2017 Volume 19 |
Number-4 [DECEMBER] |
- V.S. TOMAR AND H.K. RAI Potentials of conservation agriculture in rainfed ecosystems
- A. BASUMATARY*, J.J. SHANGE, D. BHATTACHARYYA, K.N. DAS AND G.G. KANDALI Sulphur fertilization for increased yield of black gram and soil fertility in an Inceptisols of Assam
- SANDEEP SINGH AND VINAY SINGH Productivity, quality and nutrients uptake of some rabi crops under zinc nutrition in alluvial soil
- VINOD KUMAR, T.KUMAR, G. SINGH AND R.A. SINGH Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield of rice and its residual effect on wheat in rice-wheat system under lowland
- PRADEEP SIRARI, SHRI RAM, RAMESH CHANDRA AND NAVNEET PAREEK Effect of long term fertilizer application on nitrogen dynamics in soil under rice-wheat cropping system in a Mollisol
- S.N. VERMA, MAHENDRA SHARMA AND ARVIND VERMA Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, quality and yield of soybean [Glycine max]
- SUNIL KUMAR PAL, S.P. SINGH, KULVEER SINGH YADAV, RAVI KUMAR AND ARUN KUMAR Effect of mepiquat chloride on growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa)
- VINAY SINGH AND ABHIK PATRA Effect of FYM and manganese on yield and uptake of nutrients in wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- HARIKESH JAT, M.K. KAUSHIK AND J.L. CHOUDHARY Agronomic evaluation of oat (Avena sativa L.) for growth, yield and quality with varying levels of irrigation and nitrogen
- S.P. KANAUJIA, YOOBIANGMI LYNGDOH AND AASTIK JHA Performance of various genotypes of green mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under foothill condition of Nagaland
- SEEMA CHOUDHARY AND N.S. BHOGAL Effect of boron on yield, quality and its uptake in Indian mustard (Brassica Juncea L) genotypes
- MURARI LAL, DINDAYAL GUPTA AND LAKHPAT SINGH Productivity and quality of barley (Hordeum vulgare l.) as affected by dates of sowing and genotypes
- MANOJ PANDEY AND MANOJ KUMAR Effect of sulphur, manganese and zinc on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients by wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- RASHMITA BARIK, SUBHASHIS SAREN, ANTARYAMI MISHRA AND BAMAN PRASAD ACHARYA Soil fertility status of some villages in Astaranga block of Puri district of east and south-eastern coastal plain agroclimatic zone of Odisha
- VEDHIKA SAHU, L.K. SRIVASTAVA, V.N. MISHRA, RAKESH BANWASI AND G.K. JATAV Development of fertilizer prescription equation for SRI rice-wheat cropping system under integrated plant nutrient system in Vertisols of Chhattisgarh plains
- RANJIT SINGH AND MANOJ PANDEY Effect of phosphorus on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients in lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivars
- PANKAJ KUMAR SARASWAT, V.S.P. SINHA, BANSHIDHAR AND A.S. BHATI Characterization of treated sewage water irrigated soils of Banasthali, Tonk district, Rajasthan
- MANOJ PANDEY AND OMPAL SINGH Effect of balanced use of nutrients on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients by wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- RAM LAKHAN, T.M. CHAUHAN AND VINAY SINGH Response of potassium to Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) in alluvial soils of western Uttar Pradesh
- T.M. CHAUHAN, RAM LAKHAN AND VINAY SINGH Effect of potassium and sulphur on yield of and nutrient uptake by pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in alluvial soil
- Rajanikant B. Ghagare, Ommala D.Kuchanwar AND Saroj Deshmukh Rhizosphere bacillus diversity vis-?-vis fruit yield of citrus
- T.M.CHAUHAN, LAKHPAT AND VINAY SINGH Response of potassium in fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
- VINAY SINGH Proceedings of the Conference of G.K.V. Society: A Brief Report