2015 Volume 17 |
Number-3 [SEPTEMBER] |
- M.H. JOSEPH, T.S. DHARGAVE, C.P. DESHPANDE AND A.K. SRIVASTAVA Microbial solubilisation of phosphate: Pseudomonas versus Trichoderma
- MOHAN LAL JAT, MANOJ KUMAR MAHLA, CHERUKUMALLI, SRINIVASA RAO AND SUNIL KUMAR DADHICH Response of supplemental irrigation to kharif crops based on rainfall analysis
- P.K. TYAGI AND A.K. UPADHYAY Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield, quality, nutrients uptake and economics of summer green gram
- MUKESH KUMAR, N.P.S. YADUVANSHI AND Y.V. SINGH Residual effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil fertility, growth and yield of wheat under reclaimed sodic soil
- KULVEER SINGH YADAV, ANIL K. SINGH AND ANJANA SISODIA Effect of growth promoting chemicals on growth, flowering and seeds attributes in marigold
- P.R., JAYBHAYE, V. N. SABLE, N.S. HARWADIKAR AND P.B. SHINDE Effect of canopy temperature on growth attributes and yield componants of rabi sorghum genotypes under dry land condition
- PRAHALAD DEVRA, S.R. YADAV AND I.J. GULATI Impact of crop management system on phosphorus fractions in soils of western plain of Rajasthan
- U. SINGH, S.S. TOMAR, RAMESHWAR AND SONALI CHOUDHARY Yield, nutrient uptake and economics of Indian mustard as influenced by varieties, sources and levels of sulphur
- OM PRAKASH BHARTI, S.P. TIWARI, S.L. PATIDAR AND DILIP BIRLA Evaluation of inoculums level of Rotylenchulus reniformis on soybean cultivars
- SHER SINGH AND GAJENDRA SINGH Effect of crop establishment methods and seed rates on productivity and nutrient uptake by wheat and lentil, and soil properties
- M.V. SINGH, BHAGWAN SINGH AND VED PRAKASH Integrated weed management in jute
- PRAHALAD DEVRA, S.R. YADAV AND I.J. GULATI Relationship between available phosphorus and its fractions in calcareous soils of western Rajasthan
- S. MANIKANDAN AND P. SRIMATHI Physiological and biochemical changes in grain amaranthus genotypes during seed storage
- RAGHVENDRA SHARMA AND RAJESH TIWARI Effect of growth regulator sprays on growth, yield and quality of guava under Malwa plateau conditions
- MAHESH VERMAN, SUNIL KUMAR JATAV AND A. GAUTAM Phenotypic stability analysis over different sowing times in wheat
- RAVENDRA KUMAR, A.K.S. PARIHAR, SURESH KUMAR AND S.F.A. ZAIDI Effect of modified urea on growth, yield and economics of transplanted rice
- SAINATH NAGULA, BIJU JOSEPH AND R. GLADIS Effect of silicon and boron on nutrient status and yield of rice in laterite soils
- PRAFULL KUMAR, ABHINAV SAO, A.K. THAKUR AND POONAM KUMARI Assessment of crop phenology and genotype response under unpredictable water stress environments of upland rice
- LATA SHUKLA, U.S. BOSE AND MANOJ KUMAR AHIRWAR Effect of foliar feeding of micronutrients on growth, yield and income from rabi onion var. Agrifound light red
- PRADEEPTHI LENKALA, K. RADHA RANI, N. SIVARAJ, K. RAVINDER REDDY AND M. JAYA PRADA Evaluation of jack bean genotypes for growth and yield characters
- VINOD KUMAR, T. KUMAR, R.V. SINGH, G. SINGH AND R.A. SINGH Performance of real time nitrogen management strategy in lowland rice
- K. AZUNGLA PONGENER AND PAULINE ALILA Nutrient profile of passionfruit leaf and fruit as influenced by integrated plant nutrient management
- NUSAKHO NYEKHA, Y.K. SHARMA, S.K. SHARMA AND R.C. GUPTA Influence of phosphorus and phosphorus solubilising bacteria on performance of green gram and soil properties
- P.K. TIWARI, ADESH KUMAR, S KUMAR, RAM BHAROSE, MANEESH KUMAR AND VED PRAKASH Effect of rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus levels on yield attributes and yield of summer mungbean
- S. MANIKANDAN AND P. SRIMATHI Colour of spike as an index of harvestable maturity of grain amaranthus
- RAM CHANDRA CHOUDHARY, N.K SHARMA, MITHILESH KUMARAND RAJEEV KUMAR A simple and reliable extraction of genomic DNA for microsatellite analysis in wheat: an easy approach